Clinical Cancer Etiology Unit - Clinical Cancer Etiology Unit

Clinical Cancer Etiology Unit
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Prof. em. Dr. med.
W. Weber-Stadelmann

Medical Oncology FMH
I am a medical oncologist with a special interest in cancer etiology.

Etiology is defined as the science concerned with the causes of a disease (1)

Alert clinicians have played a key role in recognizing environmental and genetic influences in cancer etiology (2,3,4)

On May 28, 1977 I visited Dr. Robert W. Miller (1921-2006) at the Clinical Epidemiology
Branch of the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md, USA. Dr. Miller had trained in pediatrics, radiation biology and radiation medicine. I asked him how I could contribute to research as a cancer clinician.
He answered: < Take inventory of all charts and you are bound to find something unusual.
Create a hospital registry for cases rich in information. Carcinogens have to be found in man first before you can look at basic processes.
Collaborate with population based cancer registries. Think of cause ! Become a bedside etiologist. Take the family history of your patients. Find a geneticist and do laboratory studies in members of cancer families. >  This website has been created in the spirit of Dr. Robert Warwick Miller.
Walter Weber-Stadelmann
Clinical Cancer Etiology Unit (CCEU)
Schützenmattstrasse 1
Basel Switzerland

Copyright W. Weber
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